Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Gold Leaf Placecard

It's almost November, which means it's almost my FAVORITE holiday...  Thanksgiving!!

With fall, and Thanksgiving on the brain, I saw this image, and had to share.  Isn't this the best idea for simple DIY place cards at the table??  
*Source Unknown

Just go out in the yard and collect the biggest sycamore leaves you can find, spray them gold, and write everyone's name on each one.

I thought that was the most clever idea - can't wait to copy it...

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Thanks for sharing my gold leaf place card! It's from my Instagram.com/juliesongink, and my work is on my website at www.juliesongink.com.

    1. THANK YOU!! I always hate it when the images I've found on Pinterest click to a dead link :-) Absolutely love your work!

  2. Very nicee blog you have here
